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Important Notice

Attenetion: The derby is discontinued until further notice. As far as I know, Luke has no intention of running one in the future. If you want to contact Luke, he is at If you are interested in continuing the MassArt derby and would like to make use of this space, please contact me, I can either put up your date/location here, or put a pointer to your site here if you have one.


The Derby is an event open to any person or group of people who want to build some sort of contraption and ride it down a big hill. The main emphasis is on racing each other to determine who's car is the fastest, but possibilities range from mobile performance platform's, to gravity powered sculptural animations, to anything you can think of. Spectators are welcome and encouraged to participate in any way they can think of, for example, cheer leading, pit crew, photographing, video-taping, performing cpr, wearing costumes, or just socializing. This has turned out to be a lot of fun in the past, so we've decided to do it again, except this time were advertising outside of MassArt and working hard to make this March twenty-fifth the biggest and best Derby ever.

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